
our customers and partnering organisations

We travel (online and in the flesh) to corporate events, team workspaces, festivals, schools and preschools to offer Yoga, stress-reduction and movement classes. Here are some of our satisfied customers and partnering organisations.

Corporate Customers

MCI Group

We support MCI Group Deutschland with mindfulness training and weekly online yoga classes for their team.

Finance Elements Group

Weekly live yoga classes for the FEG team.


Präventionsyoga Vorort in der Mittagspause- Krankenkassen subventioniert für Cosmo Consult mitarbeiter.

Inspiranten GbR

“We’ve had Rachel Brooker (Managing Partner, Turiya Yoga Berlin) at various online and offline conferences. Not only is she well received by the audience, she is easy to work with, personable and spends extra time interacting with the participants. Her high energy and enthusiasm are amazing. Her stretching and relaxing exercise sessions are professionally designed and always highly appreciated. You won’t be disappointed when hiring Rachel for your next event.”

Frauke Harnack, Managing Partner at inspiranten GbR

Modomoto GmbH

„Ich möchte mich noch einmal ausdrücklich für unsere super Zusammenarbeit in den letzten Monaten bedanken, auch das immer alles so reibungslos funktioniert hat! Wir werden Euch definitiv an andere Firmen weiterempfehlen!“
Janine Buder, Human Resources Department

colorfy GmbH

„I really enjoyed the yoga sessions that we booked with Turiya and your calm way of teaching/instructing yoga with us, as well as the well-organized and flexible way of scheduling yoga with us.

IBA for Leikskólinn Akja

„I’m very happy and grateful. I learned a lot and am very interested to learn more about yoga now.“

Cynthia Henry, Workshop Participant, Stress Reduction for Teachers and Basics of Children’s Yoga

Organised via IBA

Langfristiger Turiya Kooperationspartner Element Yoga
Langfristiger Turiya Kooperationspartner Element Yoga

yoga for kids

We bring Yoga to schools, pre-schools and community centers, with a long-term focus on reaching children who would not otherwise have access to these tools for physical health and mental and emotional self-regulation.

Langfristiger Turiya Kooperationspartner Element Yoga

Yoga für Teens

Eine mehrjährige Zusammenarbeit brachte Teenyoga an diese Schule in Berlin-Friedrichshain

Eltern-Kind Acroyoga bei SOAGB

Turiya Eltern-Kind Acroyoga bei SOAGB: Sonntags in der Amerikanische Gedenkbibiothek

Langfristiger Turiya Kooperationspartner Element Yoga

Eltern-Kind Yoga

Turiya Eltern-Kind-Yoga: Eine Reise zur Mond und Fliege wie die Vögel! FEZ „Das kann ich schon alleine“ Event

Turiya Yoga

Yoga in Kitas

Yoga für Kita-Kinder- und Achtsamkeitsübungen für die Erzieher*innen

Langfristiger Turiya Kooperationspartner Element Yoga

our Work

Let us take you with us on a deep dive into the width and depth of our work with organisations in Berlin and across the map.

Turiya Founder Rachel Brooker at a corporate event in Berlin
Turiya Founder Rachel Brooker at a corporate event in Berlin
Rachel Brooker bei ein Event in Berlin
Turiya Founder Rachel Brooker at a corporate event in Berlin
Achtsamkeitsübungen bei ein Firmenevent in Berlin
Achtsamkeitsübungen bei ein Firmenevent in Berlin
Catherine Jodoin leitet Yogaübungen bei ein Turiya Event in Berlin

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